I recently had the pleasure of appearing on Chicago’s “Dave & Dave” radio show, along with hosts Dave Weiser and Dave Niven (hence the name). Although they don’t archive their broadcasts once they’ve aired, they were fool…er…kind enough to share the file with me so’s I can share the show with you kindly-type folks. So here I am, yammering on about working for Groucho, writing RAISED EYEBROWS, how Rob Zombie and I got together, and hypothesizing about the upcoming filmic version of said memoir.
Monthly Archives: July 2015
Back In The “Bruin” Again!
Forty-one years after “The Committee for the Rerelease of ‘Animal Crackers'” makes headlines in UCLA’s Daily Bruin, I’m back in the Bruin again!
Hollywood Reporter Publishes My Piece On The Rob Zombie Film!
For those who may be wondering how I crossed paths with the likes of Rob Zombie and ended up handing over the reins to my very personal story, I have penned this essay, which just appeared in the online edition of The Hollywood Reporter. I originally entitled it I Walked (And Talked) With A Zombie, but the editor explained that they had to go with a title whose key words would trigger the randomly generated algorithms or self-hating logarithms or some sort of newfangled whatchamacallits. At any rate, it’s a fuller explanation of how the RAISED EYEBROWS movie project came to be and why this may not be as outrageous an idea as it might seem.
New Artistically Animated Promo For RAISED EYEBROWS!
Here’s a different kind of animated promo for RAISED EYEBROWS – called “whiteboard animation” – also done by that talented fellow Terry Motley at motleypr.com. I think it’s pretty nifty (but then I would).