Lots of people have been asking me what’s happening with the film version of ‘Raised Eyebrows” – especially since Rob Zombie left the project last year. In fact, there has been solid progress since then and I’ve been told that I can at least say a (precious) few words about it – for now:The screenplay was initially written by yours truly. After that, it went through some rewrites from Oren Moverman (Oscar-nominated screenwriter whose credits include “I’m Not There,” “The Messenger,” “Rampart,” and “Love & Mercy,” just to name a few). Oren definitely “gets it,” I’m happy to report, and it was definitely not a case of that cliche wherein a terrific script is given to some hack who turns it into something entirely different, destroying it in the process. We’re very much on the same page – literally and figuratively.
After several years of getting an annual – and most-welcome – option payment, Cold Iron Pictures recently hauled off and purchased the rights from me – which is a solid indication that they intend making this movie sooner than later.As I say, I can’t divulge any more info than that, so please don’t hammer away at me with questions that I’m not at liberty to answer. Likewise, any and all casting suggestions will be deleted, because we’re on top of that, but thanks for your interest just the same.Bottom line: It’s definitely moving forward and not stuck in Development Hell – or even Development Purgatory.
I’ll let you know about other elements when they are made available for discussion.But for now, I’m very happy that, at long last (emphasis on the “long”), the movie seems to be a happenin’ thang.
Co-Writer & Co-Executive Producer